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Auction by the Dam - Fall 2024

Auction by the Dam - Fall 2024

Start Time
End Time
9/27 from 1-3pm by appointment only. Please contact Ashlee (770) 519-2375 or Lucian (770) 519-4466.
Bulldog Auction

Bulldog Auction

Start Time
End Time
Previews are by appointment only.
Auction on the Point

Auction on the Point

Start Time
End Time
Preview Day for Auction on the Point is by appointment only on Sunday, August 25th from 1-3pm.
Auction by the Chateau

Auction by the Chateau

Start Time
End Time
Preview day is Saturday, August 24th from 3-5pm by APPOINTMENT. Please contact Ashlee Jaacks (770) 519-2375 or Lucian Tinsley (770) 519-4466 to set up an appointment.
Brookwood Auction

Brookwood Auction

Start Time
End Time
Preview is by appointment only and is scheduled for 1 - 3pm on Saturday, August 17th. Please contact Ashlee @770-519-2375 or Lucian @770-519-4466 to set up a time. 
Auction by the Dam

Auction by the Dam

Start Time
End Time
Preview by appointment. 
Auction on PINE LAKE

Auction on PINE LAKE

Start Time
End Time
Preview day will be Saturday, June 22nd from 1pm - 3pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please contact Ashlee at (770) 519-2375 or Lucian at (770) 519-4466 to schedule an appointment.
Auction in the Pines

Auction in the Pines

Start Time
End Time
Preview day is on Saturday, May 25th from 1 - 3pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY.  Please contact Ashlee at 770-519-2375 or Lucian at 770-519-4466 to set up an appointment.
Auction on the Hill

Auction on the Hill

Start Time
End Time
Preview day is on Friday, April 12th from 3pm until 6pm and Saturday 10am until 1pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please contact text or call 770-519-2375 to set up an appointment.